
Pervomaisk Local History Museum 


Address: 10 Teatralna Street, Pervomaisk, Mykolaiv oblast, Ukraine

Opening hours: 08:30 — 16:30

Closed days: Fridays and the last day of the month.

Admission fee: children — UAH 10, adults — UAH 15

One exhibition fee: children – UAH 5, adults – UAH 10

Guided Tour Price: children — UAH 20, adults — UAH 40

Cоціальні мережі

A museum appeared in Pervomaisk for the first time on December 18, 1927. It was called the Pervomaisk District Local History Museum then, and its founder and first director was Pavlo Kharlampovych, a well-known scientist. Before WWII, the museum’s collection boasted over 20,000 artifacts from different eras. Unfortunately, when the war began, they did not manage to evacuate the museum, so its collection was lost, and the building burned during the retreat of the occupying forces.

For quite a while after that, the city had no museum. However, in 1972, a group of local history enthusiasts under the leadership of Roman Kucheriavy championed opening a public museum in a small building in the central part of the city. In 1976, the museum found new, spacious premises. Creating a new exposition took nine years, and in June 1985, the Pervomaisk Local History Museum was reborn. Having become a state-owned museum in January 1986, today, it is a branch of the Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Local History.

The museum has a permanent exhibition focusing on the Pervomaisk individual natural and climatic characteristics and its nature conservation areas. The exposition walks the visitors through the area’s history from the appearance of the first settlements to the present day. The high points of the display are the ethnographic exposition “A Peasant Hut of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries” and the “Exhibition of Holograms,” demonstrating items from the collections of Ukraine’s leading museums.

The museum is a hub of creativity and culture, with extensive exhibition spaces showcasing the works of local artists and masters of applied arts. Each year, the museum hosts 12 to 16 different exhibition projects. Beyond exhibitions, the museum is a lively venue for various events, from meetings with celebrities to musical soirees, ethnographic holidays, flash mobs, and quests. It also curates tourist routes, both within the city and beyond, offering a rich tapestry of experiences.

Now, the Pervomaisk Local History Museum offers the following services:

– highlight and thematic tours of the exposition and exhibition halls of the museum;
– walking tours of the central part of the city;
– bus tours around the city;
– tours to the Buzkyi Gard National Landscape Park;
– workshops on making pottery, motanka rag dolls, rolled candles, and Easter egg decoration (pysankarstvo).


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